New generation solutions for global petroleum data management

Author : P.H. Stark and J. Gawron
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 327-330
Volume Number : 37
Year : 1995

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 37, July 1995, pp. 327 – 330

New generation solutions for global petroleum data management


1Petroleum Information Corporation, 4100 E Dry Creek Road, Littleton, Co 80122 USA

2Landmark Graphics Corporation


Abstract: In response to continued economic uncertainty the petroleum industry is restructuring to improve its return on investment. Companies are operating all aspects of the business with fewer personnel and are emphasizing cost controls. In spite of significant investments in work stations and computer applications, as recent as 1991, it was estimated that geologists and geophysicists spend an average of 60% of their time looking for data (Lawyer, 1991). Driven by the need to manage massive data bases, particularly 3D seismic, and to improve worker productivity a new information management paradigm is emerging. Past generation organizations and information systems were function oriented and segmented to serve specific end-user disciplines (geophysicists, geologists, engineers, etc.) by serial data access. New generation organizations and information systems are process oriented and serve teams of end-users by sharing data access through networks. The new generation information management paradigm is focused on the needs of the business enterprise and productivity enhancement using a data warehouse concept. Components of the new generation solution include a relational DBMS, a standard data model and an integrated GIS that operate on workstations and PCs in a client-server environment.